Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Day 2.

As far as the diet goes...I was able to get through it a little better than yesterday. My normal string cheese and sugar free Jello cup at work followed by a bottle of Fruit Punch Powerade Zero made my day smooth going. When I got home, I had another weight watchers meal. Later this evening I made myself another small smoothie.

The workout was fun again today and I could tell I was able to do more. I really have to say that I doubted my purchase a few times with this Malibu Pilates thing but after using it for two days in a row now and feeling a difference I really am happy with my purchase. I tried a few more difficult steps on it today and could definitely feel the resistance in my arms and shoulders.

I think waiting until the evening to write these diary entries may not be the best idea for me. I find my mind just running with thoughts in the morning when I wake up with things I want to write about and now, after winding down for the evening it's almost a sense of "writers block".

My boyfriend still thinks I'm crazy for doing this. I just want a better body and more confident self and I think I can achieve that by doing this. :)

Lately I've been getting extremely overwhelmed at my job. Overworked and under-paid. Since I'm not a morning person, my 5am starting time is really wearing me out. Not to mention the fact that I have a 3 year old daughter to wake up in the morning and get dropped off at Grandma's for the day.

I realized something this morning. My daughter is going to a head start preschool program which her Grandma attends with her one day a week for a few hours. She loves it. Tomorrow is her first day back to school and she's excited. I wish I could be there with her! I've decided when she is actually in school I'm going to find a different job so that my hours will able me to be able to see her off to school everyday :) Then again, on the flip side, my hours now make it so I can be home with her after school. Which one is most important? BOTH! Ugh. We'll see, that's a couple years away and a lot can change by then, especially in my life.

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